Saturday, February 16, 2019

Challenge Day 2

February 14, 2019. Valentine’s Day.

Process: Perhaps inspired by the way 12 roses are bundled for gifting, I found the next best thing in a bag tucked under my art work table—dried bamboo shoots (use your imagination). I selected a spool of orange and one of beige waxed threads and used the orange to wrap small bundles of sticks, stems, shoots or whatever you want to call them. I added small bundles while I continued wrapping with the orange thread until all of them were together as shown in the photo above. 
To get to the ‘stitching’ part of the challenge, I used the beige waxed thread to weave through the threads that then looked like a ring or a continues band around the sticks. I did not plan it this way; I let the object and the process tell me where to go next. I tried different types of needles to push the thread into the band and pull it out. The bundle was more tightly secured than I thought it was while wrapping everything together. I gathered the ends of orange threads into the weaving. When I completed the weaving completely around the band, I stepped back and saw how sloppy it looked and I checked my tolerance level (my inner critic) and decided it was ok. Here is a detailed photo of the waxed thread band:

Challenge level: 7

Lessons learned: Accept imperfections as a factor of low skill level and inexperience. Allow the feeling of being a beginner as a time to explore the possibilities. 

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